Shortly  after  Dzorakap,  a  side  road angles back SE toward Sarnaghbyur. About 1 km on the right is the Hogevank monastery complex, primarily of the 13th c. Beyond a dam and reservoir rises the village of Sarnaghbyur (“Cold Spring”, till 1940    Sogutlu    or     Ghzlkilisa).    This venerable village derives its name and antiquity from a cave at the back of  the

   Opposite     huge   cotton    spinning factory on the edge of Maralik, a decent paved road departs the main Gyumri highway W, bound for Artik. On the W approaches of Pemzashen (“Pumice built”) is the 11th c. Arakelots vank (dirt road to right). Note at the road’s closest    approach   to   the  church  an interesting massive carved tomb shrine. Back on the  main  road, turning

village from which flows an ample spring believed to have mystical healing powers. Now walled up (key in house on right), the cave houses a shrine of Gregory the Illuminator. The cave is reached by proceeding through the village (note ornate carved fireplace in ruined house on left) to the substantial S. Tadevos church of 1883, before which one turns left, then the first paved right turn. There is reportedly also a ruined 5-6th c. church of S. Hakob and a S. Karapet church of 1205.  On a hill 6 km E is S. Ghazar ruined church of the 5-6th c. There are three Iron Age cyclopean forts in the vicinity.


right and right again into the village, there is a decorated 7th c. ruined church built abutting the foundations of a 5th c. basilica. Continuing past this church up the hill in the direction of Lernakert, you pass Makaravank, dating to the 10-13th c, with S. Sion church of 1001. In the gorge below the monastery, reached by a steep, rock-cut path is an 18th c. small church built on earlier foundations, and a hermit’s cell (?) cut in the cliff.