Vayk  (originally Soylan,  from 1956- 1994 Azizbekov, named for one of the few ethnic Azeris among the famous 26 Baku commissars, vanguard of Azerbaijan’s largely ethnic Armenian proletariat, whose short-lived Bolshevik   government  of  Baku wasdeposed as the Turkish army approached.  Fleeing to Turkmenistan, the    26   were    detained   and    finally

   N   above  Vayk   is   Arin,     formerly Daylakhlu, founded in the mid-19th c. on an older site.


executed in September 1918 by jittery local authorities after the British refused to take them), on the Arpa river; Tigran Hotel, restaurants. Entering the city one sees on the right new built S. Trdat church. One km E is a bridge rebuilt by General Paskevich in 1827.