Turning  right  (S)  at  the  outskirts  of Sevan onto the Gavar road, one first reaches Lchashen, till 1946 Ordaklu, inhabited from before 3000 BC. There are remains of a 13th c. church, and an Iron Age fort 3 km S, with Urartian occupation; 3 km E is the major Bronze Age cemetery. Excavations here  identified  the  predominant   Late

   Next village, again W  of  the  road,  is Chkalovka, founded 1840 by Russian emigrants as Alexandrovka on the site of Zeynalaghali, renamed in 1946 for Valeri Chkalov, famed test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union, killed during a test flight in 1938.


Bronze Age cultural type in Armenia, the so-called Lchashen-Metsamor culture dating from about 1500 BC to the Urartian conquest in the 8th century BC. Two chariots excavated at the site and other interesting materials are now on display in the State History Museum in Yerevan.  Near the cemetery, on the left side of the Sevan-Gavar road about 15-20 m from the road, there is an inscription of Arghishti I carved in the rock facing the lake.