Turning    E    in    the    village     of Gyulagarak, the road passes a ruined church of 1874. Shortly after, the main road turns left while a poor  paved road straight/right leads S toward the hills, passing the    much    rebuilt    ruined    6th  c.

   Continuing E from  Gyularak  parallel to the Gargar River is Hobardzi, which reported to have a ruined 6th c. single-aisle church.


Tormak church and a new khorovats restaurant to end at a sanatorium and the  gatesof the “DendroPark”. This splendid botanical garden, covering 35 hectares, was founded in 1931 to collect collect, study and acclimatize to Armenian conditions useful trees and other plants. Kept in excellent condition by its director, the son of the founder (buried on the site), the Dendropark is a cool and beautiful sanctuary unlike anywhere else in Armenia.