Turning left and  crossing  the  bridge in Kajaran, the road winds up to the Tashtun Pass at 2480 m. Note that even in August the fog can settle in, making  the pass hazardous to the linenes of Iranian trucks and those in their way. The road descends to follow the Meghri River. The first turnoff  right,

   Next   is   Lichk,    with    two  17th c. bridges on the Meghri river, a 17th c. S. Karapet church, and 17th c. Dzvaravank by the village. On the Arevik river, S of Lichk, is a 17th c. bridge.


some 19 km after Kajaran, leads to Tashtun on the right, with a 17th c. domed basilica of S. Stepanos.