Getap is one of the eye-catching and
gorgeous villages of Vayots Dzor Region. It
is especially famous for its rich vineyards, which produce the
best quality Areni grapes. Throughout the year farmers
cultivate the vineyards and the nature favors them with
delicious and appetizing fruits.
All great wines are born in the vineyards. The
understanding of this led people establishing the
Getap Winery in the village in 1938. In 1998 Vedi Alco
privatized the winery and currently it is one of the three
winemaking enterprises operated by Vedi
Alco LLC.
A great portion of Vedi Alco winemaking activities is
accomplished in Getap. The wines made from Areni grape, among
them Areni, Vernashen, Getap, and Yeghegis, are processed and
aged in Getap Winery.
To assure the future prosperity of winemaking in Getap
Winery, Vedi Alco started to cultivate Areni grape
The excellent quality of Getap wines is the derivative of the
superior quality of Areni grapes and expertise of winemakers.
