The increasingly poor dirt road  leads to Gnishik (3 families), almost abandoned in 1975 due to landslides. Some 2 km NE is Dali Khach ruined shrine. In the village are khachkars of 9-17th c. and a church of 1463. There are 1st millennium BC graves 2 km N of village;    allegedly   by   bad   road   SE about   10   km   is   Hraskaberd   of  the

   At  34.3  k  is   the  Yeghegis   river, with roads leading N to Getap on both sides of the stream. Take the far (E) road, bypassing    Getap  (“River bank”, known until 1935 as Ghoytur), home of some of the Areni vintages. Two km NE  of  Getap  atop hill  are  ruins  of Aghli Vank church, with  inscriptions. Continuing  N  along

9-12th c. 4 km E of Gnishik are the remains of old Boloraberd village with a 13-14th c. Tukh Manuk chapel. S of Boloraberd are remains of Vardablur village with a ruined church and cemetery. There is a medieval Vardablur fortress E. Some 4 km NE of Gnishik is the former Gandzak village with a medieval cemetery and church.


the Yeghegis  river, note at 5.8 km the spur of a medieval bridge.

"GETAP" winery ("VEDI ALCO")